Starting March 4, 2024, you may notice several new features when you’re searching the library’s online catalog. The new catalog includes search suggestions, spell check, and grouped records to make finding your next read easier than ever before!
What’s staying the same?
Your account will not change at all. You can log in with the same library card number and PIN/password. All of your current checkouts and holds will carry over to the new system. Your lists and reading history can be imported from the old catalog when you log in.
If you have any difficulty accessing your account in the new catalog, please contact the reference desk for assistance, at (413) 263-6828 ext. 213 or via
What’s changing?
- One of the biggest changes is that ebooks and audio books from Libby and Hoopla are fully integrated in the new catalog. You can place holds for electronic resources right in the catalog, and your app will update accordingly.
- There are numerous changes to the appearance. Your lists and account details may look different, due to the way our content will be displayed in the new catalog.
- The new search function is more user-friendly. You will not need to be as precise, and you may find that you need assistance from librarians less often. We are always happy to help, but this change is designed to empower patrons to find items independently.
- You may notice links directing you to databases and other digital resources.
What else do I need to know?
Please excuse any broken links you may find on for the duration of March. Our search bar and many links to books or book lists need to be updated manually.