
Springfield City E-Library

Springfield City Library brings you a wealth of digital content. Much of it accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Explore our digital resources listed below by subject or alphabetically by title.

In addition to all the eLibrary services available with a Springfield City Library card, every Massachusetts resident is eligible for a FREE Boston Public Library eCard, available instantly online. The BPL eCard is separate from your Springfield City Library card, and gives access to Boston Public Library’s Online Resources. For more information, visit the BPL website.

By SubjectA to Z / Search

Click on a subject below to expand and explore!

Ebooks, Audiobooks, Music, & Video
Libby app, by OverDrive
Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader or Kindle app! It’s free and easy to get started for new users. Available on iOS, Android, Chromebooks, and laptop/desktop computers.

• Remote Access for CWMARS Cardholders
Through the free service OverDrive, the CWMARS digital catalog offers ebooks, eAudiobooks, and electronic magazines. You can browse our OverDrive collection of ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines on your computer or download the Libby app. You can also use your CWMARS library card to check items out from OverDrive collections in libraries across Massachusetts.

Remote Access for CWMARS Cardholders • Quick Guide to Libby/OverDriveTutorial en español
ArtistWorks Music Lessons
Provides music players world-class instruction from Grammy Award-winning music professionals. ArtistWorks for Libraries offers users a guided path of video lessons containing everything they need to reach their musical goals. All levels of player are welcome! Note: you must be logged in to Libby with your library card to view this resource.

Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders • Quick Guide to ArtistWorks
Comics Plus New!
Read comics for free online! Get access to thousands of comics, graphic novels, and manga with Comics Plus. There are no waitlists or holds, and you can read as many as you wish!

Family-friendly options: Comics Plus for KidsComics Plus for Teens

Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders • Quick Guide to Comics Plus
Freegal Music Streaming & Downloads
Freegal offers access to about 15 million songs, including Sony Music’s catalog of legendary artists, and over 40,000 music videos, as well as audiobooks. There is no software to download, and there are no digital rights management (DRM) restrictions. Login with your library card number to stream or download songs. Springfield City Library cardholders are limited to 3 downloads per week. Apps available for iOS, Android, and Google devices.

Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders • Quick Guide to Freegal
Borrow movies, music, audiobooks, ebooks, comics and TV shows to enjoy on your computer, tablet, or phone – and even your TV! Springfield City Library cardholders are limited to 12 borrows per month.

Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders • Quick Guide to Hoopla
Kanopy is a video streaming service featuring over 30,000 films. The videos can be viewed on a range of devices by downloading the appropriate app. Springfield City Library card holders can stream up to five titles per month.

Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders • Quick Guide to Kanopy
O’Reilly for Public Libraries
O’Reilly includes more than 45,000 books and 30,000 hours of video in areas such as information technology & software, business, digital media, professional & personal development, desktop & web applications.

Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders • Quick Guide to O’Reilly

Newspapers, Magazines, & Journals
Academic OneFileAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Boston GlobeAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Flipster Digital MagazinesRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Gale General OneFileAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Ground News  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
HeritageHub  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
JSTORRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
New York Times (In-library access) New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
New York Times (Off-site access) New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
PressReaderRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Springfield Republican Digital ArchiveRemote Access for CWMARS Cardholders, provided by Springfield City Library.
Western Massachusetts Full-Text NewspapersRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders

Business & Nonprofits
Foundation Directory OnlineIn-Library Use Only
GuideStar ProIn-Library Use Only
Candid LearningFree to use with free registration.
AtoZdatabases Remote Access for Springfield City Library
Consumer Reports Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
LawDepotRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Massachusetts Legal Forms (Gale)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Mergent OnlineRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
MorningStar Investment Research CenterRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Reference SolutionsRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Value LineRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders

Career & Job Seekers' Help
AtoZdatabases  New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library
BlueCareer New!
Access provided by Springfield City Library
FinancialFit New!
Access provided by Springfield City Library
LinkedIn LearningRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
O’Reilly for Public Libraries  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Peterson’s Career Prep (Gale Presents)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Vault Career GuidesRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders

Do It Yourself
Chilton Auto Repair LibraryRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Consumer Reports  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Craft & Hobby New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
CreativeBugRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Home Improvement Reference Center  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Kovel’s Antiques & Collectibles  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders

Education, Test Prep, & Homework Help
Biography (Gale in Context)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Brainfuse Live Online Homework HelpRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Britannica Library SuiteAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
CQ ResearcherRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Credo ReferenceRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Educate Station  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Fiero Code
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Gale Virtual Reference LibraryRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Global Issues (Gale In Context)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Khan AcademyFree to use with free registration.
Learning ExpressRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Lingopie  New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
LinkedIn LearningRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Mango LanguagesRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Massachusetts Driving License InstructionRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Merriam-Webster Unabridged DictionaryIn-Library Use Only
Mometrix eLibrary  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
PebbleGo  New!
Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Scholastic BookFlix New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Scholastic Trueflix New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Scholastic Teachables New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Peterson’s Test Prep (Gale Presents)
Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Transparent Languages  New!
Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Universal Class  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders

Genealogy & History
American Ancestors
In-Library Use Only
In-Library Use Only
Black Freedom Struggle (Proquest)Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Digital Sanborn Maps  New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
FamilySearch.orgFree to use with free registration.
Fold3  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
HeritageHub  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
HeritageQuestAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
U.S. History (Gale In Context)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
World History (Gale In Context)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries

Legal Information
Federal Depository Library ProgramFree for use by the public.
Hampden County Law LibraryFree for use by the public.
LawDepot  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
LegalTrac (Gale OneFile)Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Massachusetts Legal Forms (Gale)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries

Literature, Reading, & Art
CreativeBugRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Gale Books And Authors Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Gale Literature: LitFinderRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Literature Resource CenterAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
NoveList PlusRemote Access for CWMARS Cardholders

Medical, Health, & Science
Health and Medicine (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Health and Wellness Resource Center (Gale)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
MedlinePlusFree to use with free registration.
Nursing and Allied Health (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Science Database (ProQuest)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries

Special Topics
Headspace: Mindful MeditationRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Gale Online Full Suite of ResourcesAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Communications and Mass Media (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Contemporary Women’s Issues (Gale OneFile)Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Diversity Studies (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Ethnic Diversity Source  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Gender Studies (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Pop Culture Studies (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries

The table below lists all of our electronic resources alphabetically by title. Use the search box on the right to find the resource you need.

Academic OneFileAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
American Ancestors
In-Library Use Only
In-Library Use Only
ArtistWorks Music Lessons  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
AtoZdatabases  New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library
Biography (Gale in Context)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
BlueCareer New!
Access provided by Springfield City Library
Black Freedom Struggle (Proquest)Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Boston GlobeAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Brainfuse Live Online Homework HelpRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Britannica Library SuiteAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Candid LearningFree to use with free registration.
Chilton Auto Repair LibraryRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Comics Plus New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Communications and Mass Media (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Consumer Reports  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Contemporary Women's Issues (Gale OneFile)Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
CQ ResearcherRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Craft & Hobby New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
CreativeBugRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Credo ReferenceRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Digital Sanborn Maps  New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Diversity Studies (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Educate Station  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Ethnic Diversity Source  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
FamilySearch.orgFree to use with free registration.
Federal Depository Library ProgramFree for use by the public.
Fiero Code
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
FinancialFit New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Flipster Digital MagazinesRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Fold3  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Foundation Directory OnlineIn-Library Use Only
Freegal Music Streaming & DownloadsRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Gale Books And Authors Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Gale Full Suite of Online ResourcesAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Gale General OneFileAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Gale Literature: LitFinderRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Gale Virtual Reference LibraryRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Gender Studies (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Global Issues (Gale In Context)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Ground News  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
GuideStar Pro  New!Access at Central Library Only
Hampden County Law LibraryFree for use by the public.
Headspace: Mindful MeditationRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Health and Medicine (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Health and Wellness Resource Center (Gale)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
HeritageHub  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
HeritageQuestAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Hobbies and Crafts Reference Center  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Home Improvement Reference Center  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
HooplaRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
JSTORRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
KanopyRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Khan AcademyFree to use with free registration.
Kovel's Antiques & Collectibles  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
LawDepot  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Learning ExpressRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
LegalTrac (Gale OneFile)Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Libby app, by OverDriveRemote Access for CWMARS Cardholders
Lingopie  New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
LinkedIn LearningRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Literature Resource CenterAccess Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Mango LanguagesRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Massachusetts Driving License InstructionRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Massachusetts Legal Forms (Gale)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
MedlinePlusFree to use with free registration.
Mergent OnlineRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Merriam-Webster Unabridged DictionaryIn-Library Use Only
Mometrix eLibrary  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
MorningStar Investment Research CenterRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
New York Times (In-library access) New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
New York Times (Off-site access) New!Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
NoveList PlusRemote Access for CWMARS Cardholders
Nursing and Allied Health (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
O'Reilly for Public Libraries  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Overdrive  Remote Access for CWMARS Cardholders
PebbleGo  New!
Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Peterson's Career Prep (Gale Presents)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Peterson's Test Prep (Gale Presents)  New!
Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Pop Culture Studies (Gale OneFile)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
PressReaderRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Reference SolutionsRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Science Database (ProQuest)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Scholastic BookFlix New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Scholastic Trueflix New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Scholastic Teachables New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Springfield Republican Digital ArchiveRemote Access for CWMARS Cardholders, provided by Springfield City Library.
Western Massachusetts Full-Text NewspapersRemote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
Transparent Languages  New!
Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Universal Class  New!
Remote Access for Springfield City Library Cardholders
U.S. History (Gale In Context)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries
Value LineRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
Vault Career GuidesRemote Access for Boston Public Library eCard Holders
World History (Gale In Context)Access Provided by Massachusetts Libraries