Wiggle worms

Join us for storytime featuring books, songs, and playtime for babies and toddlers and caregivers. | Central | Children

Central Library – Children’s Room
Thursdays | 10:30-11:30 AM

Join us each week for a quiet and sensory friendly storytime for babies and toddlers who are not yet walking. Siblings welcome!

Tiny Tots Sensory Fun

Bring your little ones for some sensory fun and let us worry about cleaning up the mess! | East Forest Park | Children

East Forest Park Branch – Children’s Room
Every other Thursday | 10:30-11:30 AM

Every other Thursday we will offer an array of toddler friendly sensory activities to work on motor skills. Aimed at toddlers, but siblings welcome.

Weather permitting, this program will be held on the children’s patio!

Stompers Storytime

Join us for storytime featuring books, songs, and playtime for babies and toddlers and caregivers. | Central | Children

Central Library – Children’s Room
Tuesdays | 10:30-11:30 AM

Stompers is a special storytime developed for toddlers that encourages  interaction through stories, music and play. Come have fun while building early literacy and social skills. For children and their caregivers.

Sensory Playgroup

Join us for storytime featuring books, songs, and playtime for babies and toddlers and caregivers. | Central | Children

Central Library – Children’s Room
Second Tuesday of the month | 3:00-4:00 PM

Join us in a sensory friendly space to read together, make friends, and explore sensory activities. This program is inclusive, but primarily created with children on the Autism Spectrum in mind. For ages 3 and up.

Registration required, because space is limited. Visit our calendar to register.

Home City Families: Playgroups

Parents and their children are invited to join us for stories, songs, and activities! | Children

Home City Families Playgroup

East Forest Park Branch
Fridays | 1:30-2:30 PM | Ages 1-5

Forest Park Branch
Tuesdays | 10:30-11:30 PM | Ages 1-5 

Indian Orchard Branch
Tuesdays | 10:30-11:30 PM | Ages 1-5 

Mason Square Branch
Wednesday | 10:30-11:30 PM | Ages 1-5 

Sixteen Acres Branch
Tuesdays | 1:30-2:30 PM | Ages 1-5 

Parents and their children are invited to join us for stories, songs, and activities!

This playgroup is a great opportunity to meet other parents and give your child the opportunity to socialize with other children their age.

No registration required – just come in!

Circle Time Fun

Join us for songs, rhymes and a story or two at Circle Time Fun. | Sixteen Acres | Children

Sixteen Acres Branch
Thursdays | 10:30-11:30 AM | Ages 0-5

Join us for songs, rhymes and a story or two!

“Circle Time” is not only a fun experience for your child but also a great way to be ready for preschool and kindergarten.

Be sure to browse our extensive collection of children’s books and multimedia before or after the program!

Ages 0-5, older siblings welcome. An adult must accompany and consistently supervise children.

No registration required – just drop in anytime during the program!

Scavenger Hunt

Join a scavenger hunt and search the Children’s Room for clues. When you finish, get a prize! | Central | Children

Central Library – Children’s Room
During Open Hours | Children

Love scavenger hunts? The library has a different scavenger hunt every month! Pick up a clue sheet at the desk and search the Children’s Room for clues. When you finish, you can pick a prize from our treasure box!

Creation Station Every Day at Central Library

Create art with different materials, methods and media guaranteed to unleash your inner artist. | Central | Children

Central Library – Children’s Room
During Open Hours | Children

Come explore the world of creativity! We will be creating art with different materials, methods and media guaranteed to unleash your inner artist. If you love to make, and to do, Creation Station is for you!

This program is for children of all ages, no registration required.

Lego Questers

Join other LEGO Questers in building our Quest of the week, or build your own. | Indian Orchard | Children

Indian Orchard Branch
Tuesdays: June – August
Wednesdays: September – December
5:00-7:00 PM | Ages 5+

Legos are back! Join other LEGO Questers in building our Quest of the week, or build your own. Please call with any questions 413-263-6846.