#BLACKOUTTUESDAY – Educational Resources to Explore
Black Lives Matter
An Interview With The Founders of Black Lives Matter
What Matters Video Series from Black Lives Matter
Implicit Bias and Microaggressions
Implicit Bias – The Van Jones Show
Derald Wing Sue explains Microaggressions PBS NewsHour
White Privilege and Unpacking Whiteness
Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh
What is White Privilege, Really? By Cory Collins
Comic: Race Matters: a story about white privilege by Sachi Feris and Kayan Cheung-Miaw
Why Color Blindness Will NOT End Racism | Decoded | MTV News
Allyship and Anti-Racist Work
Guidelines for Being Strong White Allies
This Video explains the difference between being “non-racist” and “anti-racist”
From Non-Racist to Anti-Racist Advocate
Talking with Children about Race
A Children’s Book List for Anti-racist Activism by The Conscious Kid
100 Race-Conscious Things You Can Say to Your Child to Advance Racial Justice
Exploring Systems of Inequality
Angela J. Davis on racial disparities in the criminal justice system
Healthcare system: Medline Plus resource guide for health disparities; National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports
Food system: Feeding America – Who Goes Hungry?; America’s growing food inequality problem (Washington Post)
Transportation system: Back of the Bus – Mass transit, race, and inequality (WNYC); America’s Unfair Rules of the Road (Slate); What city bus systems can tell us about race, poverty, and us (Washington Post)
Housing system: Time for justice: Tackling race inequalities in health and housing (Brookings); How housing intensifies the racial wealth gap (Citylab)
Financial system: Discriminatory effects of credit scoring on communities of color [PDF] (Suffolk Law Review)
Government: How privatization increases inequality [PDF] (In the Public Interest)
Many of these resources were taken from Project READY: Reimagining Equity & Access for Diverse Youth A free online professional development curriculum