Just getting started?
DigitalLearn.org – If you are new to computers, haven’t used them for a while, or just need a bit of a refresher, we have the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.
Video tutorials and printable instructions are available on the following topics:
Getting Started on a Computer – Comenzar en la Computadora
Navigating A Website – Navegar por un sitio web
Intro to Email – Introducción a Correo electrónico
Basic Search – Búsqueda Básica
Accounts & Passwords – Cuentas y contraseñas
Online Scams – Las estafas en línea
Internet Privacy – La Privacidad en Internet
and more …
The Springfield City Library periodically offers classes on Computer Basics visit our adult programs page for more information and to register for upcoming classes.
Our Book A Librarian service is available for one-on-one assistance with basic computing, job searching, homework, resume writing, trouble-shooting your computer, or just figuring out how to use different features on your smart phone. To schedule an appointment, call or visit the Springfield City Library location most convenient to you for half-hour tutoring sessions.
Are you looking for help with Microsoft Word, Excel, or some other piece of software?
See the resources listed below for free tutorials and lessons you can go through at your own pace!
- LinkedIn Learning – available with a Boston Public Library eCard
- Universal Class – available with a Springfield City Library Card
- Khan Academy – available to anyone
Need help with technology or using the library’s electronic Resources? We can help you by phone, e-mail, in person or through our Book A Librarian service – available for one-on-one assistance with basic computing.