For Parents and Care Givers

Books about Bullies and Bullying for Teens and their Allies

A great list of fiction and nonfiction books about bullies and bullying for teens, their parents, and caregivers.

Attraction Passes

Check out our museum passes! Free or reduced admission to area museums, parks, and attractions.

Planning Your Visit

The Children’s collections housed in each branch of the Springfield City Library are geared for babies through age twelve, as well as their parents and caregivers.


Recommended Reads

Age appropriate books recommended from the Children’s Librarians for infants, toddlers and children up to tweens.

Reading Success

Children start collecting words at birth. They learn them through repetition. Research consistently shows children who start school with the largest vocabularies have the easiest time learning to read.

Safe Child Policy

The staff of the Springfield Library Department hope that children using the library will find it an inviting place to develop a love of books and reading, as well as a place to find materials which serve their informational, educational and recreational needs. Children are encouraged to visit the library, and to take advantage of its resources.